The Rocky Horror Show (Randolph Theatre)

Book, Music & Lyrics ~ Richard O'Brien
July 2011, Randolph Theatre
Director ~ Thomas Morgan Jones
Musical Director ~ Jeannie Wyse
Choreographer ~ Kerry Gage
Stage Manager ~ Ariel Martin-Smith
ASM ~ Carling Wong
Set ~ Lindsay Anne Black/Anna Treusch
Costumes ~ Rosanna Saracino

Frank'N'Furter ~ Brandyn McKinson
Brad ~ Eitan Kerzman
Janet ~ Cheyenne Scott
Narrators ~ Genna Giampaolo, Courtney Lamana
Riff Raff ~ Rikki Browne
Magenta ~ Ashleigh Kasaboski
Columbia ~ Michele DesLauriers
Rocky ~ Paul Waliggo Kakeeto
Eddie ~ Jeffrey Bowers
Dr Scott ~ Eric Lehmann

When newly engaged, innocent couple Brad and Janet's car breaks down on a dark and stormy night, they stumble upon a castle, home to Frank'N'Furter, scientist and leader of a Transylvania cult devoted to the complete freedom of living your every desire. Afraid and hesitant at first, Brad and Janet are sucked into the cult, while Frank'N'Furters most loyal disciples turn against him when they are replaced by his latest creation. Both a spoof and a love song to classic science fiction films, this rocking show is both a ode and a warning to devoting your life to pleasure.

Magenta (Understudy) ~ The darkest of French Maids, Magenta worships and idolizes her master, and is almost as thrilled and crazy as he is about all their delightfully sexual plans. She is all about having a good time and scaring the living daylights out of the mortals - until she realizes how blind and selfish Frank has become, gets tired of the servile life, and turns against him, along with her alien brother Riff-Raff, to reclaim their lives and return to their beloved planet of Transylvania.

WATCH the Time Warp on Jennifer Valentyne's blog here (Nicole Marie is on the far left, in black and green)