JANUARY 10th 2013 - Watch "Look Out, Ladies!"

JANUARY 6th 2013 - Filming (as Maggie) begins for Four Awkward Girls

NOVEMBER 23rd-27th - Filmed as Jessica (or her alter-ego Meetyermaid) in Supers

OCTOBER 13th 2012 - Filmed an episode of Ribcage "Look Out, Ladies!"

OCTOBER 6th 2012 - Closing Night of Murder on the Nile. First show done entirely with an accent.

SEPT 14th 2012 - Opening Night of Murder on the Nile

JUNE 18th 2012 - Got her Golden Ticket to Oz, making it to the Top 100 on 'Over the Rainbow: The Search for Dorothy'! Follow her journey here

JUNE 9th 2012 - Closing Night of The Hypochondriac. It was the theatre company (East Side Players)'s best selling show to date, with 10 sold out shows and 1938 seats sold!

JUNE 1st 2012 - And another, by Mooney on Theatre

MAY 30th 2012 - Read a Review for The Hypochondriac

MAY 24th 2012 - Opening Night of The Hypochondriac

APRIL 20th -22nd 2012 - Filmed as Katee in Meretrix, and as Chaotic Caster in the sequel to Fantasy Realm

APRIL 12th 2012 - Screening of Good Mornin' Sunshine. Watch the short here!

MARCH 30th 2012 - Opening Night of Behold the Time of Mercy: Medieval Plays for Lent

MARCH 10th & 11th 2012 - Appears at Toronto Comicon to promote and sign copies of the Ontario Fantasy Movies films 'Demon Father' & 'Fantasy Realm'
Comments: Got my picture taken with Kermit the Frog and The Ghostbusters!! Also spotted R2D2, Boba Fett, Toronto Batman and some of the most amazing costumes I've ever seen. I envy people's dedication, passion and sense of fun. Can't wait for Polaris and Fan Expo :)

MARCH 8th 2012 - Appears as Lauren in the Canadian premiere of 'The F Word'

MARCH 1st 2012 - Appears in a picture on Terri Clark's website!

FEB 27th 2012 - Filmed as a featured extra in Terri Clark's new video, 'Wrecking Ball!'

FEB 14th 2012 - Filmed as Juliette in 'Penmanship'

FEB 11th 2012 - Wrapped filming for Escape!

FEB 10th 2012 - Filmed as Mother in 'Lucky 13'

JAN 29th 2012 - Filmed PSA "If Nature Could Fight Back"

JAN 27th 2012 - Watch the trailer for Good Morning Sunshine!

JAN 21st 2012 - Filmed as an extra in the Wil Wong feature film, Syphon of the Soul.

JAN 16th 2012 - Represented Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts' graduating class of 2011 at this year's Theatre Ontario Showcase (Jane Mallett Theatre)

JAN 12th 2012 - Watch the short film Blind, by James Soares.

JAN 9th 2012 - "There's nothing wrong with message plays, and the arguments put forth in A Tiny Piece of Land are provocative and well-reasoned. The audience very quickly becomes emotionally invested with these four characters, thanks to the sensitive direction by Weisberg and the beautifully detailed performances.
Nicole Marie McCafferty gives a particularly compelling performance as Rachel..." Read more

JAN 5th 2012 - Read the Ontario Arts Review for a Tiny Piece of Land.

JAN 4th 2012 - A Tiny Piece of Land opens at Toronto Center for the Arts

DEC 17th 2011 - Demon Father is available for purchase online

DEC 16th 2011 - Undertones Trailer is released! View it here.

DEC 15th 2011 - Press releases on Broadwayworld.com for A Tiny Piece of Land. View here and here with pictures.

DEC 10th 2011 - Shot an Episode for Season 2 of Prince$$ on Slice! Our Princess was Kaitlyn. Should be airing around Feb/March. Keep watching!

DEC 9th 2011 - Filmed as Jean in Infidelity.

DEC 3rd 2011 - Filmed as the Older Sister in A Nation Turns Gold, a short film by Jason Naylor about the 2010 Hockey Game when Canada won gold against America.
The short is featured (and Nicole is interviewed) for the reality TV Show The Film Student, by Massey Bros Films, which will air on Rogers (Channel 10) in February.
DEC 1st 2011 - KILT PINS!! The first ever production!
A message from director/playwright Catherine Hernandez:
It's taken me so long to email you all because I am still in awe of each of you and the role you played in yet another dream come true.
You made a miracle happen. 6 rehearsals, 3 hours each, a new cast member, stomach flu, pink eye and one fucking Catholic uniform out in the middle of nowhere.
You all did good. No. You did amazing. I never worried one moment. I had so much faith in you onstage. What artists each of you are.
Much love from me forever. Can't wait to see all of your names in the production credits in the front of the book jacket. Well deserved.
xoxo Catherine Hernandez

DEC 1st 2011 - Second week of filming as Abby in Escape.

NOV 27th 2011 - Cast as Angelique in East Side Player's The Hypochondriac, to be onstage in May of 2012.

NOV 25th 2011 - Demon Father is released on DVD! Soon to be available on Amazon.com. Check it out on Ontario Fantasy Movies Website.

NOV 23rd 2011 - Filmed Background for Loblaws Commercial - 'Celebrate the Chinese New Year at Loblaws!'

NOV 22nd 2011 - Filmed as Tamara in Night.

NOV 17th - Opening Night of The Other Side of the Rhyme.
Comments: I have never done a show for which I had to miss Tech week before. All things considered, it was a grand success :)

NOV 16th - Nicole will be performing at the Theatre Ontario Showcase on January 16th at the Jane Mallett Theatre!

NOV 14th - First week of filming as Abby in Escape.
NOV 11th - Filmed as Susan in Blind.
Comments: The highlight for me was getting to throw a vase in a rage and smash it against the wall over another actor's head! I don't usually get angry like that in life, but what a rush! It was so much fun, not to mention a wonderful stress release! (Also, we duely noted both Remembrance Day and 11:11, 11/11/11. Never hurts to be superstitious on set!)

NOV 5th through 13th 2011 - Filmed as Ginger in Good Morning Sunshine.
Comments: What a beautiful location - so much history up by Lake Simcoe! Also, my first time working with a co-star under the age of 10! How impressed I was with her level of professionalism and positive energy! Not to mention, the crew made me feel like family, and I learnt a lot about the technical aspects of filming. So many new definitions! Note to self - never film on location without allergy pills!
NOV 1st & 2nd 2011 - Filmed as the female lead in Conversation with Crippled Space.
Comments: Worked with Alec again for the first time since Temenuga's night shoot - this time e actually had lines! What a small world. Alex is an incredible DOP - I can't comprehend how his mind works! Also, my first super emotional scene in film. I had to cry for about two hours straight - I was worried I'd lose it if I didn't keep going. So exhausting, but definitely worth it!

OCT 25th 2011 - Watch the trailer for The Rocky Horror Show! and read a review! and another!

OCT 23rd 2011 - Filmed as Annie in The City
Comments: First time filming with a dolly! Holy multiple takes, but I can't wait to see it.

OCT 22nd 2011 - The understudy is set to work! Filled in as Magenta in The Rocky Horror Show when the director/usual Magenta Jennifer Walls was unable to make it.
Comments: This goes down in history as the craziest night of my life! During the first act of the 8pm show, my eardrum seemed to have burst (we're now thinking it was probably just a pulled muscle in my jaw), so I marked the second act and in the turnover between shows, was warning the cast that I would probably dance through and lip-sync this one to be safe, as I was still in quite a bit of pain. That is until, 5 minutes before the show, Jenni let us know she was still nowhere near the theatre - and after Frank (Adam Norrad) & Rocky (Aaron Wolfe) brought up that I knew the role, before I knew it, with only two minutes to go, I was getting into costume and make-up for Magenta! Thanks to the incredible support and crisis recovery of our amazing cast, the show went off without a hitch, and it was not only smooth but fun! I guess now I know what it's like to be a real understudy - what an experience! I am so grateful to everyone for helping to make what might have been (and was a bit of a...) a terrifying experience a very rewarding and enjoyable one.
Oh, and just to top off the night, upon my return home, I managed to slice off a piece of my thumb :P For some, the drama never ends!

OCT 20th 2011 - Opening Night of The Rocky Horror Show at the Lower Ossington Theatre. The show went off very well, with a standing ovation mid-show.
Comments: I am beyond proud of the incomparable Adam Norrad, in this, his first starring role. This is the first time I'm involved in a production with two shows in one night with such a quick turn-over - just 20 minutes between shows! Looking forward to the adrenaline!
SEPT 27th 2011 - More Spring Awakening reviews! Read here. and here and here

SEPT 25th 2011 - Performed during a Cabaret at the Smiling Buddha in support of Veruca production company. Nicole performed several numbers from the show with the cast of Spring Awakening, as well as solos and a duet with Andrew Ball. Not the greatest quality, but have a listen here: Mama Who Bore Me

SEPT 21st 2011 - The Canadian Premier of Spring Awakening opens at the Lower Ossington Theatre. Read the Mooney on Theatre review here.
SEPT 9th, 2011 - 'I Hate Toronto: A Love Story' by Grand Slam Pictures is screened at the Toronto Independent Film Festival! See the trailer here: ihatetorontomovie.com

SEPT 7th, 8th, 11th 2011 - Filmed as an extra in Temenuga Trifonova's film, 'Against the Grain'.
Comments: Set in 19th century France, this project has allowed me to sport some of the most beautiful costumes I've ever worn. The whole crew were fantastic - they're positive energy really kept us going through two all-night shoots!

SEPT 5th 2011 - Featured as 'Chaotic Caster' in project tentatively called 'Fantasy Realm' by Ontario Fantasy Movies with Michael Bemma.
Comments: Our last shoot on the farm :( The location will be missed.The ridiculous transit delay was worth it - we've decided to always shoot at 2am! Very impressed by the combat skills of fellow actors, and director! We got some really great sequences, all with real weapons! Also, I discovered I am allergic to house elves... who knew?

JULY 31st 2011 - Graduated from Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts. Had the immense pleasure of sharing the stage for the last time with her graduating class. The group performed an emotional chorale arrangement of 'If You're Out There', led by the incomparable Mark Wilson.

JULY 26th 2011 - Appears on Breakfast Television in the ensemble of Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror Show at the Bathurst Street Theatre (Opening Night)
Watch the Time Warp on Jennifer Valentyne's blog here: blogs.bttoronto.ca/jennifer/george-randolph-dance-studio (Nicole Marie is on the far left, in black and green)

JUNE 2011 - Featured as twin sisters Fran & Julie in the short film 'Demon Father' by Ontario Fantasy Movies with Michael Bemma. Check out the 'Photos' section of the website, or view Fran's monologue here.
Comments: My first experience filming with a green screen! Also, we had the most incredible make-up team I've ever worked with. The entire weekend was spent on location; no one got more than seven hours of sleep over the whole three days, but it was worth it!

JUNE 2011 - Final Coffee House at Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts before Graduation. Performs a medley from Young Frankenstein with Genna Giampaolo & Kenton Blythe.
JUNE 2011 - Makes the Top Ten in Toronto in Cindy Ashton's Red Carpet Dreaming Competition, a fundraiser for Child Abuse Centers. The challenge was to sing your favorite Broadway tune and describe what your dream is, and how it could change the world. Watch Nicole's entry here: www.redcarpetcompetiton.com/toronto or here.
The competition culminated in a performance of 'Seasons of Love' by Toronto's Top Ten.

MAY 2011 - Shoots commercial for Synthetic Ice Solutions with One Track Mind.
Watch it here: www.syntheticicesolutions.com or here: www.youtube.com
Comments: What a great experience, meeting other actors from all across Canada and all spectrums of the business!
MARCH 2011 - Performs as Mrs. Soames in Our Town at the Annex Theatre, under the direction of Darlene Spencer.
JANUARY 20th 2011 - Theatre 20 is launched in Toronto. Had the honor of performing a chorale arrangement of Stephen Sondheim's 'Sunday' at the Press Release (Panasonic Theatre) with the rest of the Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts, representing the future of Canadian Musical Theatre.
"Towards the end of the performance, the first several rows of the theatre stood up from the darkness and joined in the song. It was a beautiful moment as the founding members of Theatre 20 blended with students from the Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts and showed just how effective our Musical Theatre talent is when they work together. The audience was visibly blown away by the caliber and quality of the performance." - "The Launch of Theatre 20 in Toronto", Broadwayworld.com
DECEMBER 2010 - Featured on The Substream impersonating Emma Watson as Hermione Granger at the Midnight Release of Part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Check back here for regular updates, links, photos and reviews!

March 20th 2013 - Wrapped ADR for Four Awkward Girls

March 14th 2013 - Opening Night (as Dee Dee) in Nobody's Perfect

March 10th 2013 - Closing Night of Jacob and Jack

February 27th 2013 - Opening Night (as Rachel/Robin) in Teatron's 'Jacob and Jack'
February 12th - Opening Night (as Elizabeth) in Heartstrings: The Musical